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Pay It Forward: Become a Mentor
Mentoring is a two-way street. We need to seek mentors for ourselves to achieve our goals, but we also need to look for people to mentor. Becoming a mentor requires both people in the relationship to buy in to the process to ensure it will meet the goals of the mentee.
Setting Goals With Grace
Did you know fashion designer Vera Wang started her label at the age of 40? However you define success, getting there is never a guarantee, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try. Any of us, whether parenting, going back to school, climbing a corporate ladder, or starting a business of their own, can speak of challenges and discouraging moments, but that is what makes the journey all the more interesting.
The Power of Perseverance
Life is full of challenges. Whether it’s something small like a crossword clue that you just can’t figure out, or a larger issue like a particularly taxing project at work, we all have to deal with problems that frustrate us. When you encounter these difficulties, do you recoil and throw your hands in the air? If so, maybe developing a little more resilience could be a good thing.
Everybody Has a Past
Whether your past is marked by privilege and abundance or poverty and struggle, every single one of us has a story to tell. It’s a safe bet that everyone you meet, no matter your first impressions, has gone through tough times. You’re not unique in that way, and it’s important to understand the turbulent nature of the human experience before you can really start to let go and move on.
Looking Forward, Not Down
My son has a few requests of poses that we do during a yoga practice when he comes to my class - one of them being Bakasana or Crow pose. This pose appears to be based on strength as you lift your knees to balance on your triceps without falling forward. However, the key to this pose is not muscle, it is your Drishti, or gaze.