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Confidence Training
Biofeedback is an emerging field of study that links psychological functions with physiological and neurological metrics. That might sound like a whole bunch of jargon, but it’s actually a pretty simple concept. When you’re stressed, for example, your heart rate and the brain waves you emit are a lot different than when you’re relaxed. What biofeedback does is allow you to recognize, with more than just a feeling, the state of your mind and body and how they relate to your performance. In the coming years, you can expect biofeedback to go from niche concern to widespread trend.
Scared to Make a Change? 3 Reasons Why You Should Push Yourself to Do That New Thing
Think back on the times in your life when you've grown -- either personally or professionally -- the most. Often, the catalyst for that growth had to do with starting over. Whether it's by your own design or due to circumstances beyond your control…