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How Getting a Business Partner is Like Getting Married
It's really not an exaggeration to say that gaining a new business partner is a lot like gaining a spouse.
Think about it. When you tie the knot with a business partner, you’re not just sharing an office—you're embarking on a future together where your financial well-being and emotional sanity are intertwined. Having seen my fair share of partnerships as a business executive and a third-gen entrepreneur, I can tell you—it's a big deal.
Creating a Magnetic Business Culture: How to Attract and Retain Top Talent
A loveable business is built on purpose. It's that simple and that complicated.
Employees and customers will love being a part of your business if it has a "why," a reason for existing that runs deeper than profits and sales goals.
Confidence Training
Biofeedback is an emerging field of study that links psychological functions with physiological and neurological metrics. That might sound like a whole bunch of jargon, but it’s actually a pretty simple concept. When you’re stressed, for example, your heart rate and the brain waves you emit are a lot different than when you’re relaxed. What biofeedback does is allow you to recognize, with more than just a feeling, the state of your mind and body and how they relate to your performance. In the coming years, you can expect biofeedback to go from niche concern to widespread trend.
Culture Police
I’ve worked for companies big and small. I’ve started businesses, sold businesses, and I’ve become an entrepreneur. And among the many incredibly important things I’ve learned through all of my experiences, there’s one common thread that stands out when I think about what works.
Why Fear Stops Many Americans From Taking a Vacation and What You Can Do About It
We may complain all the time that we need a vacation, but when it comes to actually taking off time, we tend to get cold feet.
Everybody Has a Past
Whether your past is marked by privilege and abundance or poverty and struggle, every single one of us has a story to tell. It’s a safe bet that everyone you meet, no matter your first impressions, has gone through tough times. You’re not unique in that way, and it’s important to understand the turbulent nature of the human experience before you can really start to let go and move on.
How Meditation Can Help You Make Smarter Decisions in Business and Life
Billionaire Marc Benioff does it every day. So does Russell Simmons, Jeff Weiner, and even Arianna Huffington. It's meditation, and these successful people (and many other CEOs just like them) swear that spending a few quite moments with their mind makes them better thinkers and leaders.
Creating a Support System
Almost 10 years ago, when my son started playing guitar, I decided I was going to get back to my love for music - and rock & roll for that matter - by starting to learn guitar with him. Then my younger son began to learn vocals and drums. Soon my husband wanted to be a part of it too, and he began learning the keyboard and drums. Now…we are the Vettinaterz!
What I Learned From My TEDx Talk Experience
My @tedxcinnati video of my talk: Disconnect to Connect (below) was just released this past weekend on YouTube. This experience was truly life changing for me personally and as a speaker.
Upcoming Contest! Win a Signed Copy of Amy Vetter’s New Book
Share the video of Amy's TEDx talk when it's released with your followers to inspire them on how to create more balance in their busy lives and achieve work-life harmony.
How To Do More in Less Time (Hint: It’s a Mindset Shift)
How many hours did you work last week? How about the week before that? Without knowing anything about you -- other than the fact that you’re reading Entrepreneur -- I can guess it was probably more than 40. A lot more.
Keep Your Kids and Your Business Separate? Here’s Why You’re Doing it Wrong.
A lot of companies do some variation of the "Bring Your Kid To Work Day." It's a great idea -- it's a fun office activity that helps you to get to know your coworkers a little more personally, and it offers kids an opportunity to glimpse the working world.
Scared to Make a Change? 3 Reasons Why You Should Push Yourself to Do That New Thing
Think back on the times in your life when you've grown -- either personally or professionally -- the most. Often, the catalyst for that growth had to do with starting over. Whether it's by your own design or due to circumstances beyond your control…
How to Make Yourself More Interesting and Relatable in Business and Life
If there's one thing I think has the power to positively affect your life, it's the pursuit of a carefully chosen hobby
When you see me in a corporate setting or when I'm on stage speaking, your first thought probably isn't: This woman plays bass guitar. But I do.
Why Working Less is Mission Critical for Better Work
It's no secret that Americans work a lot. According to the results of a 2016 study by researchers in the U.S., Canada and Germany, the average person in Europe works 19 percent less than the average person in the U.S., which comes out to about 258 fewer hours per year.
Don't Delude Yourself: 3 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Business
A lot of people dream of starting a business one day. A lot of people talk about it and think about it, but not everyone takes the leap. Entrepreneurship certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you have an idea you really want to pursue or just really want to see if you can rise to the occasion of building a company…
3 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew a Decade Ago
The writer and professor Morris Kline once said, "the most fertile source of insight is hindsight." It's hard to dispute that. So taking a cue from Kline, here are three sources of insight I'd like to tell my younger self.
How to Help Employees Reduce Stress
“Fasten your oxygen mask before assisting others” is an all-too-familiar instruction that many of us tune out when waiting for our flight to take off. But this sage advice can not only save you in an emergency, it can save you in life and as an entrepreneur.
3 Ways to Make Starting a Business Less Stressful
I’m a third-generation entrepreneur and have launched and sold multiple businesses. I’m also a CPA who regularly advises business owners on their finances and business operations. Over the years, I’ve seen how excessive stress affects entrepreneurs, myself included.
Feeling the Moments
Each day we walk through the routine of life, wake up..take care of responsibilities at work and home...exercise...eat...sleep, and do it all over again the next day. Many times, It's not until an extreme event happens in our lives, that we wake up and appreciate the routine, have gratitude that we have able or healthy bodies to be able to do these things, and feel.