Episode 85: B3 Breaks: Using Intention Words
Often we can feel our energy is controlled by others but is it? In today’s B3 Break, take 5 minutes to pause and choose an intention word to create the mood you want. We will connect your breath to your intention so that you can reset and create the mood that you want, rather than letting the outside control how you feel. You’ll come out refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day!
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B3 Breaks: Using Intention Words
This series is all about getting honest with ourselves and noticing the things that we carry with us. We each have our own life experiences to go from. Sometimes, it's hard to truly understand what it is like to be someone else. What can we do to create change that starts with us? If each of us took one action each day in our own lives, we can collectively change the world around us. What does it take? It takes work and practice. We have to be honest with ourselves as we get there. To do that, we have these B3 Breaks in order to pause and assess our thoughts before we speak, to take an honest look at our interactions in our day and the energy that we may be creating around us.
We ask other people questions, learn their stories and experiences. We create positive energy with the people around us and find peaceful ways to show our support to our friends, family, acquaintances. We observe all of this without judgment. We are present with the people we are with and we show up in love. What can we do? We start with the little things. This series is all about short practices that you can put into your day. Practice this each day, for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, whatever it takes so that you can observe your energy and be intentional with the energy you create around you because if you believe you can, you will. Our show begins now.
What we're going to talk about for B3 Break are intention words. Many times we can feel our mood or our emotions are driven by outside circumstances, other people, things that happen throughout the day, maybe stressful meetings or deadlines. We start reacting and having emotions or creating a mood for ourselves or those around us that we don't intend but feel like it's put upon us rather than being intentional and creating the emotion or mood that we want to have instead. Words can be powerful. There's always that saying that, “If you put something out there in the universe, that just might happen.” We can think about that in a positive way and the words that we want to feel during the day. If we want to feel joy, happiness, peace, then we can think about those words and connect them with our breath. When we slow down our breath, our central nervous system, we can incorporate those words together with our breath.
Intention Words: Be intentional and create the emotion or mood that you want to have.
I'll use an example. If I want to create a feeling of joy and happiness, what I can do is on my inhale, think happiness, and on my exhale, think piece. I connect that breath with the intention word. We're going to try doing that. I want you to think about how do you want to feel, grab onto a word, take a moment now to think about what that word or words might be and we'll do this together. If you're sitting in a chair, you can take both feet on the Earth and make sure your legs aren't crossed. If you're sitting on a floor, you can cross your legs, whatever feels good. The important part is that you're sitting tall, drawing your tailbone down, lifting through the crown of your head and you want to take your hands onto your thighs and start becoming still, slowing down that breath, closing your eyes here. Start with slowing down that breath by counting 1 and on your exhale, counting 2, counting 3, exhale 4, inhale 5, exhale 6, inhale 7, exhale 8, inhale 9, exhale 10.
When you start this count over, instead, replace it with an intention word. Inhale, think of your word, exhale, as your word and continue that round. If you shift off, just come back, inhale, intention word, exhale, intention word. Notice those words fill your body and start creating the energy that you want to feel in your body, that you want to put out into the world and slowly comes back into awareness, keeping that press slow, noting how that feels in your body. When you might shift off these intention words, you can come back to that feeling by coming back to that word, finding the power of that to shift your energy and be able to create the experience that you want to create in your day.
Intention Words: Words can be powerful. What you put out in the universe just might happen.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read. I hope you will take a moment to pause before entering back into your day to reflect on this show and note 1 to 2 actions you are inspired to do from this conversation that you could incorporate into your life. For daily inspiration, follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, @AmyVetterCPA. I hope that you will choose to like this and subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and more so that you can join us for more inspiration on our next episode.
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